Friday, August 14, 2015

My Classroom

Hey friends!!

I am SO SO SO sorry I haven't updated in so long. No matter how hard I try, my blog always gets pushed down on my to-do list. I'm hoping to do better this school year. Believe it or not, I just finished my third week of school! We are a year-round school so we start in July. Even though we have a shorter summer I love it because we get a long Fall Break and a longer Spring Break. Two thumbs up from me!!

As I said in my last post (which was FOREVER ago....) I am no longer a K/1 teacher. I am actually not even a classroom teacher anymore. My new position is a 2/3 Academic Interventionist. I work with students in small groups supporting them in Reading and Math. I also work with students who have Dyslexia and support their reading growth. I absolutely LOVE IT! It is hard work, but it is work I love. I am very fortunate.

Since everyone is heading back to school (or already there) I thought I would share with you what my classroom looks like. I moved from my old classroom into a small office since I only see small groups. It was hard downsizing but it was also a blessing. It helped me go through stuff and really get organized. I worked all summer organizing and I am really pleased with how it turned out. Here is my classroom/office:

This is where my small groups meet:

I made a place to hang anchor charts next to my small group area. I use this to display the skill of the week we are working on in Math. 

Here's my huge filing cabinet (which is project is to organize that! haha) with all my classroom pictures on display: 

This is my desk area where I do lesson planning and record progress monitoring data for my small groups. I also reorganized my classroom library books and teacher books:

Finally have two bookshelves where I store all my resources and games:

My old classroom had a pirate/ocean theme so I incorporated it into my office. Hope you enjoyed the pics! Stay tuned for more updates and new products!!

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