Thursday, March 26, 2015

Where Have I Been??

OK, OK. I know I have been gone WAY too long. I promise I have a good reason.

I am no longer a Kindergarten teacher.

Shocking, I know. ;-) But don't worry. I'm still a teacher. Just made a position change at my school in January. I am now the 2nd/3rd Grade Academic Interventionist and Dyslexia teacher. I officially started in January so I've been trying to figure out what I'm doing so I didn't have much energy to devote to my blog and TpT store. It was a huge change and I'm still getting a hang of things, but I am loving it! The spot opened up in my school in November and I couldn't pass up the chance.

However, I do miss my Kinder babies. It was a tough decision, but I feel like it was a time for a change. And now I get to get my feet wet in teaching 2nd and 3rd grade! And that means....


My plan this summer is to create reading and math products for 2nd and 3rd grade. Stay tuned for more info! And all my K/1 teacher friends, don't you worry! I will be updating and adding new K/1 products as well. My heart will always be with the little ones so I won't forget you.

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