Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tomie dePaola Author Study

Hey everyone! Are you on spring break? I am! And I am LOVING EVERY MINUTE!

I want to try and get caught up on my blogging before I head back to work. I'm so behind I can't even remember what all I still need to share about. I know I'm behind in sharing about our author studies so I'll start there.

Back in December we did an author study on Tomie dePaola:

We read so many wonderful books including Strega Nona, The Legend of the Bluebonnet and Tony's Bread. Here are some of my kids reading response journals: 

The kids also did a character web about Strega Nona and filled in a BME chart for the Legend of the Poinsettia

Finally, after reading The Legend of the Poinsettia, the kids made their own paper poinsettias: 

If you liked these activities, please check out my author study unit which you can use for any author:

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