Sunday, February 16, 2014

Leo Lionni

Why is life so busy? Oh yeah, I'm a teacher. :)

Once again, sorry I'm so behind. Blogging has taken a back seat to sleep and more sleep. But here we go…slowly chipping away at the blog posts I need to make.

WAY back in November we did an author study on Leo Lionni, another one of my favorite authors. Here are the books we read:

Just like path months, we would read a book every few days and the kids would journal or do literacy activities about each one:

We also did a couple fun crafts. After reading A Color of His Own the kids painted their chameleon with watercolors:

Later after reading Tico and the Golden Wings the kids colored their own Tico and used glitter to make his wings sparkle:

Finally to wrap the study up, the kids drew their favorite Lionni characters and wrote about why they like them:

If you like these activities, check out my author study activities on TpT by clicking the picture below:

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