Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weather and the Four Seasons!

Last week was our unit on weather where we learned to observe and record the weather! I used several activities from my weather unit. We had lots of fun looking out the window and debating what the sky looked like. During calendar time, we would record the weather on our weather chart. The kids also recorded the weather in their science journals and kept track on a weather graph:

I'm going to have them track the weather for a few more weeks so we can have more data for our graph. Then I'll have them tally the data and answer questions about it. 

On Monday after recording the weather, we did a fun sun craft. The kids cut out a yellow circle (pre-drawn by a parent volunteer) and I gave them two eyes and a mouth piece. They cut out the rays using orange and yellow construction paper. I hung up their finished work and it really brightened up our classroom!

On Tuesday after recording the weather, we talked about the four seasons and the characteristics for each. In their vocabulary folders, the kids wrote two definitions for seasons (mine and in their own words) and illustrated a picture. We then did a season sort with the whole class. Each kid got a few cards that had a month, holiday, weather or type of clothing. We took turns placing our cards under the correct season. (I forgot to take pictures of it! WHOOPS!)

On Wednesday, after recording the weather, we talked about temperature and thermometers. In their vocabulary journals, the kids wrote two definitions (mine and in their own words) and illustrated a picture for each word. We then talked about how the weather affects the environment and living things. In their science journals they had to illustrate what it would be like in 100 degree weather and 30 degree weather:

On Thursday, after recording the weather, we talked about precipitation and how clouds produce both rain and snow. I then had the kids do a cloud craft. The kids cut out a cloud shape (pre-drawn by a parent volunteer) and glue on eyes, mouth, snowflake and raindrop. They really made the clouds unique by adding their own fun details. They turned out precious!

Finally on Friday, after recording the weather, the kids got to decorate their own rainbows. We talked about the order of the colors, but I let the kids color their rainbows any way they wanted. When they finished, they got to do a weather word search. 

We read several books about the weather and the four seasons over the week. Here are some of my favorites:

We have a vocabulary board in our room called "Words We've Caught." Over the week, anytime we learned an important word, I would write it on a index card and clip it up on the board. We keep track of science, social studies and math words. We "caught" a lot of words this week about weather! 

If you liked these activities, please click on the picture below! Also, check out my post from last year to see what other activities are in my unit.

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