Thursday, February 11, 2016

Super Shapes!

Oh my LORD, it's a miracle! I've finally created a new product. And not just any new product....stuff that can be used in 2nd and 3rd grade!! I've only been working in these grades for over a year now. Took me long enough! :)

In case you don't know, I am now a 2nd and 3rd Grade Academic Interventionist. That means I pull small groups to work with students on improving their reading and math skills. I love teaching math and have enjoyed learning new ways to teach math! (I'm so used to the little kiddos in K/1)

I'm working on math units that include lots of fun games and activities. My first one is Geometry! Yay for shapes!! I've only used the flashcards and 2D shape book with my kiddos so far. Here's a peek at their work:



My unit also includes a 3D shape book, sorting mats, composing shape puzzles, decomposing shape activity, and quadrilateral games and activities! Click on the picture below to check it out!

First two people to comment, will get their own copy! (Remember, this is for 2nd/3rd grade students. It's possible you could use some of it in 1st.)

1 comment:

  1. Haven't blog hopped since 2015. About to introduce shapes. Is this still available?
