Sunday, November 16, 2014

Apples and Pumpkins and Fall, Oh My!

Hey guys! Once's been awhile since I posted! So sorry! Kindergarten is crazy! I feel like time is going by super fast and very slow all at the same time. Does that make sense? It's just making me so tired. I've been going to bed at like 9 most nights so blogging hasn't been a priority. In an effort to get caught up, I'm going to post about both apples and pumpkins!

I love this time of year and there are always lots of fun things to teach about during the fall. The kids love learning about apples and pumpkins and it's a perfect time to learn all about the parts of a plant and its life cycle.

First we started with apples. In reading we did several review games that were apple related including a beginning sound sort and a letters/words sort:


In math we did a matching sets games where the kids had to match a number with the tree with that number of apples on it: 


Every day my kids do a math problem in their journals and this week we had apple related probems each day: 


At the end of the week we did a super fun apple tasting activity where the kids voted on their favorite apple. After they tasted all four apples and voted, the kids filled out a graph:

We also learned about Johnny Appleseed and read a book about him. The kids then completed a web with things they learned about him: 

 Our craft for the week was painting apples with watercolors. They turned out beautiful:

 The next week (or the week of Halloween) we moved on to pumpkins.  We read two books over the week to learn more about the life cycle of a pumpkin:

During Science the kids filled out a web on what the learned and drew the life cycle:

In the middle of the week we took a field trip to a farm where the kids learned more about pumpkins and how they grow. Before we left the kids predicted what they would see and when we returned they filled out a checklist: 

In Math we did lots of fun pumpkin-related activities including pumpkin patterns, pumpkin seed book and halloween counting book: 

Just like during apple week, the kids did pumpkin-related word problems in their journals during pumpkin week:


 During the week we watched one of my favorite Halloween movies, Spookley the Square Pumpkin. The kids then made a Spookley craft where the chose an adjective to describe him:


We ended the week by carving two pumpkins. I had the kids help me get the seeds out and then they voted on what kind of face I should carve:

I then had the kids draw how-to carve a pumpkin: 

If you liked these activities, please check out the pictures below! The first four people to comment can get either my apple or pumpkin unit for free! Leave your email and your choice in the comments below! 


  1. both units look great. Lots of wonderful ideas.

    Email is

  2. These are so great! I especially love your math journals!

    Your pumpkin unit is my fave!
    Thanks for the ideas!

  3. Oh I am so excited to read your post--the pumpkin unit, apple unit and plant unit look amazing! I have all three in my cart to purchase! We just scheduled our field trip to the pumpkin patch, and I know I am going to love using the resources. Thank you!

    The pumpkin unit would be my favorite--but I love all three!

  4. I love both of these and could use either one. Thanks so much for the ideas!
    My favorite may be the pumpkin unit.

  5. Love this! I can use all of them for my mod/severe spec ed class.

    Alayna Effinger

  6. I would love to get one of these either apple or the pumpkins unit. It looks really great to use in kindergarten.

  7. Wow looks great. I would love the pumpkin unit please.

  8. These look amazing!!im just starting tot school for my very first time & we r doin APPLES!!😀Thnx so much for ur ideas Hun!!cant wait to see what's gonna happen this yr😊

  9. Wow I would love the pumpkin unit!
