Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wacky Weather Fun!

One of my favorite units to teach is weather and the seasons! We incorporate weather into our calendar time every morning so the kids usually have a little background knowledge to work with when we get started. I have classroom jobs, one of which is the calendar helper, and that person looks out the window every morning and reports the weather: How does the sky look? How does it feel outside? Once we learn the seasons we talk about what season we are currently in.

I have lots of books on weather and the seasons and here are some of my favorites:


We do this unit for two weeks and the first week we focus on weather vocabulary and observing the weather. In their science journals every day the kids would illustrate the weather: 

In addition to talking about the weather, we discussed what we would need to wear in different kinds of weather:

Later in the week, the kids had to illustrate each kind of weather in their own weather book:

I try to incorporate at least one or two crafts for every unit. These two are some of my faves:

Our second week is all about the seasons! We learn the name for the seasons and what makes them special. After reading several books about the seasons we did a season sort as a whole class:

We also played a super fun sorting game from Lakeshore where the kids had different objects and symbols from each season and they had to place them in the correct season:

The kids did a web for each season where they drew different things found or worn during that season:



Finally the kids drew their favorite season and we made a class book:



If you enjoyed these activities, check out my weather unit by clicking on the picture below! The first three people to comment with their email will get a free copy! 


  1. Your weather unit looks great! Would love to use it with my kinderkiddos! jennajforbrook@gmail.com

  2. This looks so fun! I'll be doing weather soon!

  3. Wow! What fun activities to explore weather! dzehnter@k12albemarle.org

  4. Hi,

    Just saw this and thought it was cool. npwoodard@gmail.com
