Sunday, August 31, 2014

I'm baaaaack!!

Well, I know it's been awhile, but I am BACK and my blog got a beautiful makeover! A HUGE HUGE thanks to Designs by Tenille for creating my beautiful new blog design! I absolutely love it!!

So sorry for my absence the past few months, but I just needed a little break. Life got a little crazy! Since I last posted in April, I finished my sixth year of teaching, graduated from UT with my Master's in Education and got a new puppy!! Check out the About Me section in my blog to read more about it!

I know many of you started back to school this past week, but believe it or not, I have been back at work since July 23rd! I'm back teaching kindergarten (I loop with my students so I teach my kids for two years: kindergarten and first) with a new group and they are definitely keeping me on my toes! I have tons to share with you guys and I will do that soon, but first I wanted to share what back to school stuff I have in case you need ideas!

I have two back to school units with plenty of fun literacy and math activities for Kinder and 1st grade students! The second one is specifically for Kindergarten:

I also have two classroom theme products (pirate and ocean): 

I also have classroom labels and classroom schedule/center signs. If you are interested in the labels and my first back to school unit, check out my bundle for all three

Finally, I have a rules/laws unit which is a great resource for introducing and reviewing rules with your classroom at the beginning of the year.

As a thank you for being a loyal blog reader, the first THREE people to comment with their email address will win a free copy of one of my products above (not including the bundle). Please let me know which product you want in your copy too! 


  1. Welcome back! Hope you had a relaxing summer! I would love the rules and laws set! Goes great with parts of my social studies curriculum!

  2. Great to have you back! Love your new look :) The Back to School kinder edition would be great for my kindergarten classroom!

  3. Hopefully I am number three!!!!

    1. You are!! Just let me know what you want and your email and I'll send it to you!

  4. Wow, bummer,looks like you already have 3? I think your back to school pack for kinder looks great!

  5. Yes, I already have 3, but stay tuned...I'll be giving away more stuff soon!
