Sunday, April 27, 2014

K/1 Procedural Writing Unit: Recipes

WAAAAY back in December, my kiddos did a three week writing unit on procedural writing. I had the kids choose a recipe to write and illustrate.

To start we talked about what procedural writing is and came up with some examples:

Next the kids brainstormed ideas of possible recipes they could write by writing their ideas on a web:

The next day, everyone chose a recipe they wanted to write and listed the ingredients and tools they would need: 

My example

I also had the kids illustrate the steps in their recipe:

The next day we began writing our recipes. I reminded my students to use their ingredient and tool list to make sure they included everything in their steps:

My example

The next few days were spent on writing the recipes. I did a different mini-lesson each day that focused on a different skill such as adding transition words, adding labels, using periods, etc. Here are examples of my kids' writing:

After they finished writing their recipes, the last few days of our unit was spent publishing! I typed up each student's ingredient and tool list along with their recipe. Then they were able to illustrate it. Here are some examples of their finished recipes:

If you liked this unit, please click HERE to check it out in my TpT store! 

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