Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Deep in the Heart of Texas!

Hey all you Texan teachers! :) I just created a new Social Studies unit all about my favorite state: TEXAS! If you are interested, click on the picture below!


  1. This title definitely caught my eye. My son found out on Monday that his first rotation in his job after he graduates in May from college is El Paso!! So, anything Texas is catching my eye. We will be making at least 2 trips to Texas. We are from Ohio.

  2. Hey!! I'm a new follower! I bought a few of your units on tpt and have LOVED them! We're working through your animal packet now! Anyway, I teach in Texas and posted some activities on my blog if your interested! I had been searching for a Texas unit a while back and couldn't find anything. So excited to see this post!


  3. What resources do you use to teach Stephen F. Austin and Sam Houston to go with the handouts in your packet? Thanks in advance!
