Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Year's Unit

We began the year 2012 by talking about New Year's! We used my own New Year's unit and we had tons of fun!

We started by talking about traditions we do at New Year's and the kids enjoyed telling me all about what they did that night. Many of them were proud to tell me they stayed up until midnight! :) We also talked about counting down from ten, watching the ball drop in NYC, shooting off fireworks and going to a party.

We then filled out and illustrated a New Year's book:

My unit also includes some math problems with a New Year's theme. I took out the numbers in the problems and added blanks to include more number sets to increase the challenge.

The next day we talked about what a resolution is (a goal we want to achieve in the new year) and what resolutions we would make for school. It was funny to see what they wanted to work on. A few kids who are always quiet and do what they are told put I want to work on being quiet....seriously?? :)

We also talked about memories from last year and what we hope to do this year.

On Friday we chose a resolution that could be either about anything we want to do. The kids wrote down their resolution and decorated a face to look like themselves. (I just used a circle and triangle for the face and hat). It made an adorable bulletin board!

The kids wrote about their resolutions on a paper from The First Grade Parade's free new year's unit! (I love Cara Carroll!!)

I'm so proud of what all my kids have done this year so far....and I know they have a lot more to achieve! :)

If you are interested in my New Year's unit, check it out on TpT and Teacher's Notebook.

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