Wednesday, June 22, 2011

To Do List....

Since my school is a year-round school, our summer break is shorter than most schools. The first day of school is July 26th (2 days before my 25th birthday woo hoo!) and teachers come back on July 14th! I actually have a leadership retreat on July 12th so summer's end is approaching rapidly. I have to admit though that I am super excited about the new year. NERD ALERT! :) I miss my kids, I miss my team and I am PUMPED to be teaching 1st grade again. However, there is SO much work to be done in my classroom....I've already been working in my room a few days this summer and I feel like I have just made a bigger mess.

I love making to-do lists so here goes...

1. Plan Daily 5 Lessons for the first few weeks
2. Read the Cafe Book (related to Daily 5)
3. Meet with team to discuss Daily 5 (to be done BEFORE number 1 hehe)
4. Finish organizing resource binders
5. Put stickers and sort rest of picture books
6. Organize teacher desk and filing cabinets
7. Decorate classroom (name plates, bulletin boards, etc.)
8. Re-vamp my teacher website and include blog on it

I'm sure there is more, but that's PLENTY for now. :)

1 comment:

  1. 4 weeks! Kaitlin misses you so much! Hope you are having a good summer. :)
