Sunday, January 4, 2009

teacher resolutions

so, i've made new year's resolutions for myself as a person...but i thought it would be fun to also make then for myself as a teacher. :) so here goes....

1. Yell less. Acatully, if I could not yell at all unless absolutely necessary, that would rock. But i'm trying to be realistic here. ;-)

2. Do something fun with the kids at least once a day, whether that be sing a silly song, run around on the playground, or read a book we all love just because....

3. Get stuff done after school so I can sleep in a few minutes later and not always get to school before the sun rises!!!! :)

4. STAY HOME ON THE WEEKENDS! (this one will be tough...but i really, really want to try!)

5. Pray for my kiddos each morning

6. Smile. And stay positive. :) (we'll see how long this one lasts....who's betting i don't make it through day one?? hah!)

Oh, and I just want to say thanks to all my faithful blog followers. I appreciate your support and it makes me feel all wonderful inside knowing you are reading and that you care. I LOVE YOU!


britter said...

You are welcome! #1 faithful reader right here :) I pray that these goals will kick start a fire in you for this next semester kim!

much love,

your big

Freckles said...

Me too!!! I'm a faithful reader! (apparently I'm not #1 though... haha) Yay for Phi Lamb family blogging!